Tribute Wall

Heather posted a condolence
Saturday, September 7, 2024
Dear Tara, Greta, Linda & Krisopher,
Bob & I were so shocked & sorry to hear about Ken! We have many fond memories of time spent in St Andrew’s with your parents. Over the years we got to know you Greata, Linda & Krisopher. It has been a few years since we visited St Andrew’s & Serendipity & met Tara very briefly. Our thoughts are with you at his sad time! We hope you will keep in touch. We live in the same house in Portuguese Cove NS.
Sue Corbyn & Chris Frantsi posted a condolence
Wednesday, September 4, 2024
Chris and I were so sorry to learn of Ken’s passing. He was talented, kind, and always enjoyed our conversations. Our sincere condolences to Tara, Greta and Linda.
Bob Charlton posted a condolence
Wednesday, September 4, 2024
Dear Tara , Greta, And Linda :
I was shocked to learn of Ken's passing this morning and send you my most sincere condolences . I enjoyed the friendship Ken and I shared as members of the business community of St. Andrews . Our parents were great friends for many years too. Ken will be missed by many .
Most sincerely,
Bob Charlton
Brent Rourke posted a condolence
Tuesday, September 3, 2024
Our sincere condolences to Tara and family. We certainly enjoyed our chats with Ken over the many years he represented our work at the gallery.
Kris Chick posted a condolence
Tuesday, September 3, 2024
Sad to hear of Ken passing. I first met him when I was selling my work in his shop. We were friends for a few years until I moved away, but I have lots of good memories of him. He always seemed positive and happy. Condolences to Tara.
Einar Valen posted a condolence
Tuesday, September 3, 2024
Our deepest condolences to cousins Greata and Linda, and of course Ken's wife Tara. Betsy and I were so sad to hear of his illness and final passing.
Ken, I knew you mainly as a boy. You came and lived with us for a while here in Norway when I was 12, - you were 16 I think. You treated me like your little brother -and that was great, but annoying. I guess you had been kept in line by your older sisters your whole life, and me being the oldest of three, got a taste of my own medicine, I guess.
You would tease me and I would get furious and try to pound you, but you simply held me at an arms length and laughed at my efforts.
We had a lot of fun together despite the age difference. I remember my dad took us camping once, and as we were waiting for a ferry to take us across a fjord,
Dad offered to buy us magazines to read in the car. "I want Playboy", you said. I was shocked, not by the fact that you wanted Playboy, but that my father actually got it for you.
Well we both enjoyed that magazine - great editorials. You were very popular with the girls, and our neighbor had a lot of those and you apparently attracted a lot of visitors - all girls.
You were very polite and gallant and Norwegian girls were not used to that, (I hope that has improved) but they apparently liked it a lot. Well, I tagged along and got a little attention myself because of your charm.
I am sorry we lost contact, but distance does that to kids. I meant to visit you in St Andrews a few years back, but my teenage kids got difficult when they learned we had an eight hour drive ahead of us from Greta and Larry's.
I am so sorry that visit never came to be
Rest in peace cousin.
Einar Valen
Mark Porter posted a condolence
Monday, September 2, 2024
It was so sad to hear of Ken’s passing since a great guy is gone. I always enjoyed my semi-annual talks with him. My condolences to Tara and his siblings.
Colleen Underwood posted a condolence
Sunday, September 1, 2024
I was so sadden to hear of Ken's passing and wish to offer my sincere condolences to Tara,and family.
I first met Ken eighteen years ago when we connected through my art. Ken was always a delight to work with and I will miss Ken's humour, his stories and his support he offered to the many artists and artisans that he represented at Serindipin Art Gallery .
Penny posted a condolence
Friday, August 30, 2024
My sincere condolences to Ken’s loving sisters Greta,Linda and their families, also to my sister Tara Valen. Our family has many fond memories of Ken happily working iin his art gallery Serendipin Art. Our family also had so many fun times spent at Tara and Ken’s cottage on the lake. My wonderful brother in law will be greatly missed.
Christian Sunde posted a condolence
Wednesday, August 28, 2024
Vår dypeste medfølelse i sorgen til dere, Tara, Greta og Linda med familier. Hvil i fred kjære fetter Kenneth. Kondolansehilsen fra Christian (Sunde med familie).
Tone Valen posted a condolence
Tuesday, August 27, 2024
Vår varmeste medfølelse til deg Tara, Greta og Linda med familie
Hvil ifred kjære fetter Kenneth. ♥️
Tim Isaac posted a condolence
Monday, August 26, 2024
My deepest condolences to you Tara and the family.
Ken’s warm smiles, humour, and enthusiasm for life will continue to inspire me and live in my heart.
His encouragement of my life path and creativity really propelled me through some difficult times, and I’m ever grateful for his support and friendship.
Larry Groves posted a condolence
Sunday, August 25, 2024
My sympathy goes out to my wife Greta and Sisters-in-law Linda and Tara on their loss of Brother Ken
The very fond memories of my visits to Ken and Tara in St Andrews with Greta and the feasts of lobster we enjoyed and the great time Kenny and I had when we went hunting here in Ontario will remain forever
Rest in peace my brother in law
Kara McCready posted a condolence
Sunday, August 25, 2024
I would like to offer my deepest condolences to Tara and family on behalf of myself and my husband Mark. I am so sorry for this huge loss for you, St Andrews and the community of Artists Ken supported. I loved my visits with Ken and Tara. I would be in to pick up a piece of art at Serendipin Art for shipping and we would go in his little back office where we would talk art, fine cuisine, business, life etc. What a fine man. Our thought and prayers are with you during this difficult time.
Rob and Ann Scott, Belleville, Ontario posted a condolence
Sunday, August 25, 2024
Our sincerest condolences to Ken’s wife, Tara, sisters, Greta and Linda, family and friends. He was a great person who advanced many local artists in their careers. A formidable artist in his own right, he will be missed.
Jennifer Brookins posted a condolence
Saturday, August 24, 2024
I'm so saddened to hear about Ken's passing and send my sincere condolences to Tara and his family. I worked for him the first summer I moved to Canada (2008) and I will always have fond memories of that time. I really enjoyed getting to know him and Tara and I have several pieces of art in my home from his gallery that are a great reminder of that time and their friendship. ❤️
Linda (Valen) Herb posted a condolence
Saturday, August 24, 2024
Kenny, I will miss you everyday and especially our hour long phone calls where we shared a lot of laughs,some super recipes and always ended by talking about all the fabulous times we had in Moorecrest which we both agreed was the best place to grow up and that's where I have my best memories of you, my sweet brother. I love you always. From your sister Linda xoxo
Karen posted a condolence
Saturday, August 24, 2024
Kenny, you will be missed!
We have so many great memories from a family friendship that spanned over decades from the Moorcrest days to St. Andrew’s!
Linda, Greta, Tara and family I am so sorry for your loss
My heartfelt sympathies.
Karen de Volpi
Mike de Volpi uploaded photo(s)
Saturday, August 24, 2024

early 70s
mark chase posted a condolence
Saturday, August 24, 2024
Shelley and I would like to send our condolences to Tara and the family God bless
Mike de Volpi uploaded photo(s)
Saturday, August 24, 2024

Mike, Pat, Kenny : Expo 67
karen posted a condolence
Saturday, August 24, 2024
Peter and I were very sorry to hear of Ken's passing. This is a great loss to New Brunswick's arts and crafts community. He will be greatly missed.
Karen Shackleton and Peter Thomas
Beth Moore Milroy posted a condolence
Saturday, August 24, 2024
So sorry to hear about Ken's death. He was Kenny to me, too, and all of us who knew him at Moorecrest, Mascouche, QC. My heart-felt condolences to the Valen family. You were all favourites of mine and remain secure in my memory from those days so long ago.
With kindest regards,
Beth Moore Milroy
Donna Lander Blamey posted a condolence
Saturday, August 24, 2024
To Ken’s family,
I remember Kenny, as I knew him, when we met in the mid/early 1960s when his sister, Greta and I became “sisters”. Although much younger than us, he was a delightful kid, as I recall. My husband, Dave joins me in sending our most sincere condolences to the family. Until we all meet again one day, may you RIP. Donna xx
Greta posted a condolence
Saturday, August 24, 2024
Although you were 8 years younger, Ken, I do remember all the fun family winter and summer activities and holidays we shared growing up in Moorcrest. You were a big help to Dad over the years, assisting him in rebuilding the Rossmount Coach House, and then St. Andrews Pottery, and later, when Dad passed you were Mums caregiver, alongside Tara.
You were our Memory Keeper too, if Linda or I could not remember something that happened, you always did.
You were a fun, creative, kind and loving brother. Rest in peace. Love sister Greta xo
Brett Vottero posted a condolence
Saturday, August 24, 2024
I am so sorry for your loss. Ken was a icon in the St. Andrews community. I stopped in regularly over the years to discuss our respective collections of St. Andrews Trade Dollars and other historic items. He will be greatly missed.
Mike de Volpi posted a condolence
Saturday, August 24, 2024
I called him Kenny. We were boyhood friends in the early sixties, inseparable, responsible for most of the mischief in the area. Separated by distance in the 70s and 80s, reunited in the 90s. in the maritimes. My kids called him uncle Kenny. Although we had drifted apart these past years we usually called each other on Christmas and birthdays, maybe apart but always in our hearts. I have so much I would like to say but have been weeping all day with the memories. After sixty years do you think I can find a picture?!?! I called him my brother........
My deepest condolences Tara, Linda Greta.
peggy hogarth posted a condolence
Saturday, August 24, 2024
Ken's passing is a tragic loss to St Andrews. He was such a kind and gentle man.
Bonnie Rogers posted a condolence
Saturday, August 24, 2024
So sorry to hear of Kennys passing,Thinking of the family at this time.
Brent MacPherson posted a condolence
Saturday, August 24, 2024
Condolences to his wife and children and family. I first met Ken many years ago my first season coming to work at the Algonquin Hotel I worked there 6 seasons. He was a real nice fine and nice guy. I am so very sorry for the loss and may he rest in peace.
Anne Johnston posted a condolence
Saturday, August 24, 2024
So sorry about your loss of Ken. His gallery is a great place to do business, and always have a chat about new items he was carrying and his reaction to my new work.
Virginia Muralt uploaded photo(s)
Friday, August 23, 2024




Ken was a awesome boss and an even better friend. I worked under him as a apprentice goldsmith during the summer of 2018 and came back to work as his in-house jeweller after graduating from school. He was always enthusiastic to teach me new things and had a love for jewellery that is unmatched. He had such a great sense of humour and liked to make people laugh. He always made me laugh when he would 'model' jewellery in the store or dance to his music behind the display counters. But, one of my favourite memories from working at Serendipin' Art was during the Covid shut down, Tara or Ken would make soup and all three of us would have little picnic lunches together in the workshop.
Ken set the foundation for me to develop my goldsmithing and business skills and I can never repay his kindness, generosity or friendship. He became my second dad when I was away from my family and I will greatly miss him.
All my love to Tara, his family & friends
Maureen de Jourdan posted a condolence
Friday, August 23, 2024
Sincerest sympathies to the family. I met Ken on my first visit to St. Andrews after my son and daughter in law moved there. He was most welcoming and charming. He spent most of the morning giving me the low down on St. Andrews and welcoming me to the famous little town. Dropping in to say hello was a must do on my subsequent visits. Several pieces of his jewellery have made it back to Ontario as gifts for family members.
R.I.P. Ken
Maureen de Jourdan
charles lewton-brain posted a condolence
Friday, August 23, 2024
I am so sorry. He was formative in my life, we were young students together, had many laughs and I learned much from him. He suggested me as a replacement for him in Iqaluit (then Frobisher Bay) and that too was formative. I grieve for him and his family.
Kay Morrison posted a condolence
Friday, August 23, 2024
Just read of Ken's passing, I'm so sorry Tara, sending my condolences. I worked with you folks the summer of 2010 and like his parents, enjoyed St. Andrews so much I bought a house and moved here in 2011. I always loved jewelry and was impressed by his work and the works of those you carried, so spent most of my earning at Serendipin' Art. Thinking of you and praying for God's love, strength and peace to flow over you my dear.
With my sincere sympathy,
Kay Morrison
Sherry Hooper posted a condolence
Friday, August 23, 2024
Wayne and I are so sorry to hear of Ken’s passing. Our deepest condolences to all the family!
Cheri Myshrall posted a condolence
Friday, August 23, 2024
Ken taught my mother at the craft school many years ago and I would always love going in with her to visit and I would make him peanut butter cookies and I was always so proud to take them to him. Always so kind. A great man gone way to soon.
The family of Kenneth G. Valen uploaded a photo
Friday, August 23, 2024

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