Tribute Wall

Robin Lewis uploaded photo(s)
Saturday, August 31, 2024

Very saddened to learn of Trevor’s passing. We went up to Trinity at the same time and went through our pre-clinical veterinary years together and during our clinical years we house-shared. Trevor was a good friend, always great company and being a lot older and wiser than myself, always a great source of good advice. I have many fond memories of our time together at Cambridge and whenever I hear Dean Martin singing Little Ole Wine Drinker Me, Trevor always comes to mind - the nights we would drop into the Mitre for a pint or three. Trevor would invariably drift over to the juke box and Dean would soon join our party, albeit only in song. Farewell Trevor. It was a privilege to have known you.
Anne Shephard uploaded photo(s)
Sunday, December 24, 2023

Mr. Prager Vincent M. posted a condolence
Saturday, December 23, 2023
I knew Trevor for many years and I never forget when my golden retriever Zeeba (now almost 16) was a puppy he prescribed Evening Primrose Oil to regularize some Omega issue. He takes it twice a day ever since.
Trevors stories of Zimbabwe and Scotland greatly entertained me but their absence in his obituary makes me wonder if they actually took place. Maybe one of his relatives could contact me.
I was very fond of Trevor and will miss him A good man
May he rest in peace
Vincent Prsger
The MacCallan-Finkelman Family posted a condolence
Saturday, December 16, 2023
Our family was deeply saddened to hear of Trevor's passing. We were fortunate enough to meet him when our dear family dog was in his last stages of life. Trevor guided us through that terrible time with honestly and compassion - helping us keep Ori alive as long as he was enjoying life, and then easing Ori's passage out of life, but only when we could be assured that nothing more could be done. He was gentle and empathetic with us in our grief. His special sensitivity to our son's anguish will always remain in my mind because he was a man my son respected and liked, and it meant a great deal to him to have a man like that understand his tears. Trevor was also funny and amusing, and we thoroughly enjoyed our short but very meaningful acquaintance with him. We hope he is with his dogs and cats and other animal friends now, and they are all enjoying one another.
Sara Sparks posted a condolence
Friday, December 15, 2023
I was deeply saddened to hear of Trevor's passing. He was an amazing vet, his dry British humour which not everyone got (I did, my father was also British) He was kind and insightful and did not suffer fools. I count myself lucky to have met him and had him care for several of my animal companions. My condolences to family and friends
Maureen Johnson posted a condolence
Thursday, December 14, 2023
He was an amazing doctor, having taken many of my pets to him. Loved his sense of humour and his stories I remember him coming out to my barn on December 24, stitching up my horse from a huge injury, talking the whole time while he stitched. As he stitched, I cleaned the wound as he stitched , he said,,,, my right hand is shaky but that’s ok, I’m left handed. My horses stitches held Lol. He was a great doctor so many
Donna Reid posted a condolence
Thursday, December 14, 2023
Trevor was a remarkable Vet and a great friend who I met through my daughter Katie, who worked with him. Rest easy friend… no more pain.
Adrian MacDonald posted a condolence
Thursday, December 14, 2023
The comment" a great lad who always looked like an unmade bed" was certainly fitting for Trevor. He never waivered his whole life from looking busy and carefree. For 25 years we had a friendship of him talking and me learning through his experiences. While he watched the soccer games at home I would tend to picking up and delivering his automobiles for regular maintenance and yearly cleaning Nothing could be thrown out but only saved for future viewing as all remember :). Our many conversations consisted of his love for doctoring, sports, his dogs and compulsion for owning large watches and knives...He was a collector that had a story from every country he visited , a well travelled man who never forgot anything he learned abroad. Every conversation of travel with Trevor became an adventure again for him as he focused on the details and context. Truly amazing. While in the hospital he was a very humble man that showed a huge smile of graditude for his only craving....Chocolate covered vanilla icecream...it became a regular ritual to overcome his boredom. The conversations that proved how sharp his mind was will become what I shall miss the most ...Rest quietly my friend ....with no pain Trevor....
Lorraine & Ron Richard posted a condolence
Thursday, December 14, 2023
A kind, compassionate and caring man and one that will be well remembered in our community.
Kelli Weyman posted a condolence
Wednesday, December 13, 2023
Trevor was my vet , at both locations, he was a very kind man and he was exellent with my fur baby’s.. very educational with me regarding the vet visits.. condolences to his cousins. Kelli LeeWeyman
Anne Hooper posted a condolence
Wednesday, December 13, 2023
Amazing vet, kind man--he fixed my badly injured cat 12 years ago after being hit by a truck--she can still jump up and down at almost 16 years old.
Norma Simpson posted a condolence
Wednesday, December 13, 2023
When he worked at the vet clinic in Calais, Maine. I called to find out about my cat, I couldn't get her to the vet as she is a indoor cat. So, I talked to Dr. Hall and told him her symptoms and he told me what to do for her. If it doesn't work in 3 days, you will have to find a way to get her here. Well, truth be told! Within 3 days, she was doing great and has since been good. God Bless him for helping me that day. He was a great vet and a nice man. My condolences to you and your family's. It was a honor to know him.
Norma Simpson
Geoff Pigott posted a condolence
Wednesday, December 13, 2023
My earliest recollections of cousin Trevor were all connected to occasions at the homes of other relatives in the Newcastle area. These tended to be funerals (when someone would always insist on showing my brother Rod and I the bereaved lying in their coffin in the house), birthday and New Year celebrations. It was at one of the latter that I was introduced to Newcastle Brown Ale, with disastrous consequences - someone opened the car door for me and I promptly fell out head first onto the pavement. Luckily Trevor's father, "Uncle Fred'' covered for me by telling my Mum & Dad that I had eaten a bad prawn!
I also remember kicking a ball around with Trevor in back gardens/parks. His forte was clearly in rugby/rowing and not with the round ball.
On another famous occasion I was on a skiing holiday near Mt. Tremblant and had arranged to fly from Montreal to Halifax to spend a few days with Trevor. I duly booked the flights and hotel and was met by intrepid leader at the airport. He quickly whisked me off to a local watering hole to explain that something had "cropped up', which meant he had to fly off that afternoon and hence could not spend any time with me! Even the lunch was something of a surprise as half way through our food a female appeared from the back of the bar/restaurant to bestow a withering look on Trevor, who explained in only the way he could, that this was an ex-long term girlfriend! I got the impression that she had hoped for something more from their relationship!
Trevor's excellent Obituary touched upon his mysterious disappearances, which included not only the one above, but also not attending his projected wedding when we had gathered from far and wide to the small village of Doddiscombsleigh in Devon. Some of us have gleaned small snippets of information about these 'urgent' events, but I guess nobody will ever know the full details.
Trevor clearly was a man of great intellect, but for me he will always be the guy who had time for people (and animals), especially for the young 'sprog' I was in those early days. Indeed, I can still hear my late father's summary of him, ''a great lad who always looked like an unmade bed''.
R.I.P. Trevor, gone but not forgotten.
Cousin Geoff.
Gillian Hannan posted a condolence
Tuesday, December 12, 2023
Thinking of you Trevor. Thank you for being a wonderful Godfather. I will always remember our trip in Brisbane, your visits on trips across Canada, the Samoyeds, and your sense of humour. You are fondly remembered.
John and Sue Payne posted a condolence
Tuesday, December 12, 2023
We raise a glass to our much loved and dear old friend of over 50 years and feel honoured to have compiled his obituary which expresses our feelings.
John and Sue Payne
The family of Trevor J. Hall uploaded a photo
Tuesday, December 12, 2023

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